Learn What are the Best Practices for Live Streaming?

Learn What are the Best Practices for Live Streaming?

Live streaming on the internet has changed the medium of entertainment from offline to online and made it easier for brands to bond with their target audience. According to leading influencer marketing agency Mediakix’s stats, Twitch has a massive streaming ecosystem drawing 9.7 min daily active users, speaking for the number of internet users interested in live streaming. Out of these, 100 million daily active users watched videos in Q4 2016. As the numbers keep increasing staggeringly, businesses are constantly strategizing to get improved results with live streaming.

Here are the best practices for live streaming:

Choose the Right Tool:

The best way to stream live videos of your business is ideally on your website. This will ensure that all the traffic is driven to your website alone and no other video sharing website earns a hefty sum of money out of all the hard work you do to telecast live videos. But if you are keen on using social media platforms at first before going big on your own live video streaming website, the most popular tools are Facebook Live, Twitter’s Periscope and Blab.

Facebook Live videos are watched 3x longer than regular videos. So if you are broadcasting your live streams on other platforms, broadcasting simultaneously to Facebook is a good idea. Once your stream on Facebook Live has ended, it will become a video on your page so your followers can watch it anytime. If you don’t stream to Facebook, you can still share the replay link or upload the file directly to Facebook.

Periscope is owned by Twitter and if your brand has engaged Twitter audience, this is a great option. You just have to post your Livestream to Twitter and your followers can watch it in the tweet. You can stream Q&A, show behind-the-scenes and have your audience participating via comments through the Periscope app. So you are engaging with your audience in more than one way at the same time.

Blab is a live streaming tool that can be used on smartphone and desktop. Blab is a great tool as it allows you to have four people live streaming at once. This again means you can engage in four ways with the same audience at the same time. You could run the broadcast in one, put up live questions from the audience in the second, live chat in the third, let an expert or audience member speak in the fourth. There are ‘n’ number of options that you could experiment within the four seats to make the most of the live streaming for your business. You could also share links, provide downloadable content, infographics as you speak about it in the stream, YouTube videos etc.

Bandwidth Recommendations:

Shared networks and wireless connections do not assure zero bandwidth fluctuation. So the most reliable internet connection when streaming is connecting directly via Ethernet to a dedicated network. When you are the sole user of an internet connection, fluctuations are very minimal. Rule of thumb is to have twice the upload speed to the bitrate intended to be streamed.

Backup Recording:

Recording back-up of an on-going live stream is helpful in the rare case where you run into bandwidth issues. For recording purpose, plan for file transport, whether you want to upload to a server or to a repository. The recording can also be broken down into different sections and hosted on your website.  

Address your Audience’s Needs:

The best way to live stream video is to choose topics that will address your audience’s needs regarding your products, services or based on the industry you cater to. Live streaming enables you to deliver solutions and engage your viewers to be equal participants in the event. At the end of your live video, they should have answers to their questions or something that will benefit them. When your business validates and addresses present need, question or opportunity, the discussion is always fruitful. When subject matter experts from your business host live videos, viewer participation is higher during Q&A session. This makes your live streams successful.

Double Check on Timing:

Check if your live streaming time would be convenient for the time zone of your target audience. When you are targeting audience globally, it is important to make sure your broadcast is not much of a trouble fitting into their time schedule. Make necessary changes in the timings that will suit everyone. After all, the whole point of streaming live is that target audience can participate.

Promote your Scheduled Broadcast:

Your live stream will have an audience only when you have promoted it through different channels; people know about it and show interest in it. You could promote it on your website, blog and social media accounts. To make it more interesting, use image creating tools like PicMonkey or Canva to create impressive images giving details about your Livestream’s topic, date, time, platform and any other relevant details. Share these images on social media and other channels rather than putting down plain text. The human brain tends to remember images more than text. Also, it is easy for your followers to download the image to safe-keep the details of the live stream.

Include Call To Action:  

Including relevant CTA after every live stream is as important as including a CTA. Your call-to-action could be as common as following you on social networking sites or subscribing to your newsletters, adding links to informational video or free download.

Create a Plan for Engagement

The best way to broadcast live video is to create a plan for engaging audience beforehand. First engagement point is to welcome viewers, ask where they’re tuning in from. Engaging people early on and addressing them by names during a conversation makes it more likely for them to engage later in the broadcast. When you find your audience enjoying the broadcast while you converse with them, you could also ask them to share the broadcast if they’re enjoying it.

Planning and preparation is the key for novice and expert alike. Users don’t always come forward with questions once the session is open. To keep your event interesting and engaging, you have to be prepared with additional information and backup plan. Being sufficiently informed help in being open to divert the discussion to another pressing topic that might be the need of the hour. You could also try to incorporate different ways to engage an audience that will influence and impact the broadcast. For instance, ask a question in the comments that will lead to the actual action onscreen.

Seize the Opportunity as it Comes

Pre-planned live streams are always good and welcome, but there are times when the first one to catch up on the flash news or an opportunity, can grow leaps and bounds. It is essential for businesses to be opportunistic in their live stream plans. Over planning or speculation misses out timely opportunities. Several live streaming software’s are available in the market that enables launching business venture almost instantly. The best live streaming software backs you with all the necessary technicalities, so you can invest your time in the creation of live streams.

Test and Learn Post Production

Once your broadcast has ended, it is a great idea to do a post-mortem. You could answer questions like, what could be done better or how to be more creative and engaging. Utilize the learning from previous broadcasts to improvise on the upcoming ones. Because there is always room for improvement, even for the biggest of brands who have been in the business for a long time.

Celebrate the Team Work

It takes a team of specialists to put together an event, regardless of the length of the broadcast. Celebrate the teamwork, even when the live stream falls flat because your team will be implementing the learning in the next one.

Put to use the best practices and experience incremental success in your live streaming.


StreamNow – Affordable  Best Live Video Streaming Software

StreamNow – Affordable Best Live Video Streaming Software

It’s the age of live music, live food, and live entertainment. It’s the age of instant gratification and on-demand everything. It’s no surprise really that more and more corporate organizations are stitching real-time communication into their promotional strategies, given that a rising legion of technologies is propelling live streaming software to mainstream marketing models. You may have seen a plethora of live streaming software and tools in the global live streaming ecosystem, and yet 2017 holds out more opportunity for small and medium-sized businesses than ever before. What was once considered niche and exclusive have now become an integral piece of the promotional puzzle of even a fledgling business? All this, thanks to an exciting turnkey live webcasting software called StreamNow.

What Is StreamNow?

Conventional forms of live streaming software entail a huge amount of coding, using raw languages such as PHP and NodeJS. However, this could involve significant capital and labor investment, with the bulk of your time and money being directed towards hiring, payroll, training, infrastructure and technology refinement. But there’s always a better way. Imagine if you could create your own Periscope, fitted with your own exclusive brand name, content, contributors and customized appearance, at a fraction of the cost. The good news is that you can. StreamNow lets you create a live streaming software of your own, and even plug it into a website to facilitate a seamless double-barrelled communication approach.

Why Would I Need StreamNow?

The advent of live streaming has ruffled the feathers of traditional marketing mediums. Where conventional vehicles like hoardings, word of mouth, posters, and flyers were once adequate as part of a marketing roster, the digital ecosystem has transformed the way that people and brands communicate. StreamNow fills the chasm that small and mid-sized businesses have typically faced in the communication sphere, by offering live video streaming software at an affordable rate.

What Are the Key Features of StreamNow?

StreamNow meshes into your primary communication platform all too easily. Here’s how it makes your life easier:

Superior Coding:

It’s possible to code your own live streaming software, but you’ll likely sprout some grey hair by the end of it. Coding your own live webcasting software requires expertise and skill to put you on par with some of the best live video streaming software in the world. StreamNow, however, offers you a high-quality, Periscope-esque interface underpinned by intricately coded scripts. It also comes equipped with myriad themes and plugins and provides a fluid experience across devices.

Themes and Dynamic Membership:

StreamNow isn’t just known for its superlative performance; it’s equally recognized as one of the most aesthetically designed live streaming software in the world. With an array of skins and themes housed in its customization section, it allows you to enhance the user experience by several notches. But that’s not all. StreamNow’s dynamic subscription plan provides you with a monetization window. This means that if any user wants to stream a video planted on your site, they have to first opt for a subscription.


Your audience will inevitably be fragmented across devices and internet speeds. To ensure that your users’ streams are delivered intact, transcoding is necessary. Transcoding allows user content to fit a variety of sizes and parameters for streaming. However, transcoding can take up a sizeable amount of CPU capacity and you should consider acquiring a third-party transcoding tool. StreamNow has an integrated transcoding solution that saves you the hassle of provisioning for the same.


Personalize your look with a range of customization options on StreamNow. There is a wide assortment of themes, colors and controls that you can tweak to breathe life into your brand while live streaming.

Analytics Reports:

StreamNow offers an analytics dashboard that lets you delve into usage patterns and popular content formats. It can also provide inroads into new monetization methods by revealing popular broadcasters who can be selected for sponsored content.


Monetization tools abound under the StreamNow umbrella. There are three primary ways that a user can monetize their brand. First, is a dynamic subscription plan. This implies that if a viewer wants to stream a video, a subscription plan, created by you, must first be opted for. Another way to price content is per piece. By pricing individual videos, you can charge purely for the stream. Say $10 for a single video. Or $20; whatever you feel a single video is worth. The entire money, in turn, comes to you. The final way to rake in revenue is through banner advertisements. By inviting advertisers on your live streaming software, you can set aside prime space for their ads, giving advertisers coveted digital real estate and you, a valuable revenue source.

Auxiliary Features:

In the absence of a content distribution network, you’re likely sceptical about the endurance of live streaming. But don’t be. StreamNow has a storage bank for live videos, safely tucking each stream that users share a space of perpetuity. In some ways, the platform is a hybrid between a social media platform and a superlative live webcasting software. For instance, StreamNow features a status bar, allowing users to share their thoughts with others. It also offers users the opportunity to stream video without creating a specific event.

How Does StreamNow Work?

StreamNow provides an easy, breezy user experience. Here’s how it works:

  • User logs into your website.

  • User creates a profile.

  • User creates an event; either private or public.

  • A private event is notified only to the user’s followers, whereas a public event is notified to all users.

  • Other users are free to accept or reject the event notification.

  • Upon acceptance, a viewer will be reminded of the event at the scheduled time.

  • StreamNow allows viewers to comment in real-time.

  • Users can follow and unfollow others as they please.

  • Questionable or abusive content can be reported.

  • Compromising users can be blocked.

The best live streaming software of 2017 is finally here. Don’t wait for tomorrow, StreamNow instead.


How to Live Stream Video Over the Internet Using StreamNow

How to Live Stream Video Over the Internet Using StreamNow

If you prefer curling up with your laptop to catch some entertaining live streams at the end of a long, hard day, raise your hand. If your hand went all the way up, your television set is most likely relegated to a corner of your living room, a sheath of dust covering its sleepy surface. Like you, myriad millennials favour streaming live content over antiquated content broadcast on television. Livestreams are making their way into the devices and hearts of entertainment seekers world over. And while there are enough takers, there is still tremendous opportunity for broadcasters. Contrary to perception, live streaming isn’t complicated; in fact, it is fairly simple and straightforward. With some basic hardware and a nimble video streaming service like StreamNow, you’ll be good to go in no time. Keep this little guide in your pocket as you set out to venture into the live video streaming realm. Today, we show you how to stream live video over the internet.

The Basics of How to Stream Live Online:

Live streaming has become a catchphrase that has caught on across the world. But what does it really mean? Let’s break it down to understand it better. Streaming implies the real-time transmission of content over the web. Think Netflix, YouTube, and Hulu. While these platforms are on-demand content services, there is another brand of streaming that is rising in popularity. Live streaming enables broadcasters and viewers to communicate in real-time, with a broadcast being received by a user almost immediately after it has been created. A broadcaster may stream a variety of content, ranging from fashion shows and lifestyle exhibitions to sports matches and worship services. Education is a sector where live streaming is becoming increasingly relevant. By learning how to stream live online, schools can source remote teachers, collaborate with other schools and create inter-school collaborations. Live streaming can also be useful for creative folk who can channel their skills through virtual classes and workshops online. With live streaming, anything is possible. Yet, how to stream videos is the big question that many aspiring broadcasters have. Here, we lift the lid.

A Guide on How to Stream Live Video Over the Internet:

If you were to ask us how to live telecast on the internet, we would tell you that you only need a basic camera and a sturdy internet connection, to begin with. And it’s true. With just these two in place, you can build a robust foundation for your live stream. You’ll need a few more things to ensure that your stream is smooth, though. Leave it to us to walk you through some easy steps that encapsulate how to live stream a video.

Internet Connectivity:

Needless to say, an effective internet connection can transform the quality of a live stream.  It’s always a good idea to maintain two internet lines to provision for redundancy. While your primary connection could be wireless, we suggest that you select a wireline service as a backup. Fixed line connections almost always offer a more consistent bandwidth, ensuring that a live stream remains smooth and undisturbed. Opt for a connection that features a bandwidth north of 1 Mbps.

Personal Computer:

Now that you have your internet sorted, focus on acquiring a computer that features an effective processor. Also, make sure that your system houses at least 10 GB of RAM. Although you’ll find a host of computers in the market that may match your criteria, many of these may overheat, preventing you from live streaming for long periods. You can broadcast just as well from a tablet or a smartphone, but this way, your device will drain sooner, and a computer will prove far more useful.

Microphone and Video Camera:

When you live stream, you may want to add a commentary to your broadcast and so, it is imperative that your microphone is high-quality. As far as your visual broadcasting goes, invest in an entry-level professional video camera. You will need to pair this with a capture card and you’ll be all set to stream.


How to Stream Videos

An encoder is a clever tool that transforms content from your camera into consumable, palatable nuggets that can be live streamed to users. Flash Media Live Encoder is a top encoder favored by many budding broadcasters.

Live Streaming Platform:

When you have your stream mix in place, you have one final step to go before you cross the threshold of creating a live stream. At this stage, you need to procure a live streaming platform. StreamNow is a multi-faceted, sophisticated live streaming framework that allows you to customize your stream, monetise it through sponsorships and subscription plans, and create live streams on the go. A streaming platform is an interface between you and your viewers, and with a versatile framework like StreamNow, you can reach a plethora of viewers across a range of devices.

Merits of Online Live Streaming:

Live streaming allows you to capture and broadcast content in real-time, meaning that streams are always relevant, in keeping with the season and relatable. Plus, it saves you the trouble of manually converting your video through a separate hardware and transferring it to a specific destination online. It’s a good idea to plug your live streams to social media by displaying sneak peeks and previews through live streaming tools on platforms like Facebook and Twitter. The biggest advantage of live streaming, however, is that it is extremely light in your pocket. By investing a tiny amount, you can reach a global audience. Just imagine your monetization potential!

Demerits of Online Live Streaming:

The quality of a video broadcast, whether live or not, rests on the effectiveness of your internet connection. The same holds true for your viewers, whose streams must buffer successfully to be consumed.

How to Live Stream a Video, Your Way:

You can stream almost anything to users across the globe if your basic infrastructure is in place. Ask yourself what you want to share with the world, how you can add value and how you can monetize your platform. With StreamNow by your side, you’ll be covered from the get go. Go live, today.

How to Live Stream Video Over the Internet Using StreamNow


How To Create a Live Sports Streaming Website with StreamNow

How To Create a Live Sports Streaming Website with StreamNow

The best matches aren’t necessarily played in a rolling stadium fitted with swanky arc lights and stippled with celebrity players. They most often happen in your own backyard, as your little one learns how to kick a ball or score a homerun for the first time. These little moments can be priceless and it’s natural to want to follow them through your kitchen window. Except, as your child grows, you’re likely to miss more and more of these moments. Your backyard will be replaced by your child’s schoolyard and you will be slowly eclipsed by a tribe of little minions. In time, you will be relegated to the sidelines. Literally. But therein lies an opportunity. Along with you, there may be hundreds of other parents wanting to follow their child’s matches at school or on the field. And there’s a perfect solution to keep them clued in while making some moolah on the side. Say hello to online sports streaming.

A Keyhole Into Online Sports Streaming:

The sports sector is poised to reach close to $74 billion by 2019. But this colossal number doesn’t only speak of the multi-million dollar celebrity sports teams that form the face of the sector. It also mirrors thousands of backyard stories that could hold even more significance for some people.  Little League matches, neighbourhood charity sports events, office sports days; the works. By leveraging live sports streaming online, amateur sports matches have a way of reaching an audience around the world. This way, sports connoisseurs sitting halfway across the globe can still follow the beats of a live match, without having to miss out on crucial moments. Plus, if you monetise your stream well, it is a phenomenal way to fill your piggy bank. Online sports streaming is no longer limited to sophisticated technology. With a few basic pieces of hardware and a versatile streaming software, you can get an online sports streaming platform up and running in a matter of days. StreamNow, for example, is an excellent framework that allows you to plug a live stream into your existing website. If you’re wondering how to stream sports online, we’ve got you covered. Follow this nifty guide to create a sports streaming website of your own.

Example of Online Sports Streaming:

Let’s begin with an example to demonstrate how you can establish an online sports streaming window. Offices across the world regularly organise employee engagement activities for their employees. These range from carnivals, fairs and family meets to intra-company sports tournaments and annual sports days. However, many organisations are geographically fragmented, with offices often spanning the length and breadth of a country and sometimes, even the world. Here, lies the challenge. Sports matches, in particular, are geography-specific, and oftentimes, employees in remote corners of the country have no access to these engaging events. Of course, while participation may be difficult, live streaming serves as a medium that binds remote employees together, showcasing real-time action as a match unfolds. Many companies don’t have the wherewithal or expertise to leverage live sports streaming online. That’s where you come in. With a professional video camera and a capture card, you can set up a live stream through StreamNow. This will allow you to relay a sports match to various nodes around the world. And for every view, you can charge a fee to the company. The concept can work just as well in a B2C setup. Neighbourhood sports events and friendly weekend games can be ideal for streaming content.

Elements Required for Online Sports Streaming:

If you were to classify your live streaming infrastructure into key buckets, you would have five chief categories. Let us walk you through what you’ll need.

Internet Connectivity:

The lifeblood of live streaming is the internet. When it comes to establishing a robust connectivity ecosystem, be sure to build in redundancy. You may have a wireless connection as your primary connectivity tool. In addition to this, tuck a hotspot into your work bag to serve as an inexpensive, yet effective way to source an internet connection while at a game. A hotspot is usually available at telecom stores.

Recording Hardware:

The kind of video camera that you use really depends on the scale of your project. If you intend to turn your live streams into a full-time venture, it would be worthwhile to invest in a professional camera. This would allow you to move around freely, focussing on certain elements of the game and even interviewing players during breaks. A video camera requires a capture card to transform video content into a live stream.


There are two ways through which you can deliver a live stream. If you choose to stream your content exclusively through software, you will need to add a software encoder to your kitty. Flash Media Live Encoder is a wonderful tool, and is absolutely free. Alternatively, you could opt for a hardware encoder, but your costs may rise significantly and you will need a video source that meshes with your encoder.    

Streaming Service:

For a seamless, sophisticated stream, turn to StreamNow. With a whole arsenal of unique features, StreamNow allows you to create an exclusive profile for yourself, monetise your stream through banner ads, save all live streaming videos, post statuses akin to social media and create a dynamic subscription plan. Offering a sleek, ritzy interface to users, it is a superior solution for broadcasters across the board.


Watching sports from the comfort of your couch can send a rush of adrenaline coursing through your veins. It’s exciting, and leaves you feeling part of the game, even from thousands of miles away. By handpicking games and opportunities in your vicinity, you can tap the latent demand for backyard sports consumption through live streaming. StreamNow offers an assortment of monetisation tools to help you get started. Subscription plans, user-defined paid events and sponsored banner ads can catapult your revenue stream to the big league.

Set Up Your Own Online Sports Streaming Brand:

There’s no doubt that live sports streaming online, holds the ticket to success if executed well. Assess your market for opportunities associated with sports to carve a niche for yourself that stands out. Amateur online sports streaming is a nascent sector today. However, over time, you’ll discover what works and what doesn’t, which sports models hold the maximum monetisation potential and whom to approach for what. And when you do, you’ll score a homerun that will last you a lifetime.

How to Live Stream Your Church Service with StreamNow

How to Live Stream Your Church Service with StreamNow

For many Christians around the world, Sunday morning is a time dedicated to worship. But for most, the rigmarole of reaching church with a tiny brood in tow can be rather draining. You’re likely familiar with the drill; tired eyes and temper tantrums, mini meltdowns and dreary moods. Of late, an increasing number of churches have innovated to be as inclusive as possible. No more coaxing the kids out of bed, herding them into the car and containing their restlessness through sermons. Now, with the advent of live streaming services for churches, a whole new wave of worship has emerged. Church live streaming has opened doors for the elderly, new moms with little babies, and many other worshippers who would normally favor staying in their homes during Sunday worship. What’s more, affordable and effective technologies like StreamNow now make it possible for churches of all sizes to live stream their sermons. By streaming your church service, you can deliver your address to a wider range of people while lending a whole new meaning to worship.

Reasons Why You Should Live Stream Church Service:

Church live streaming is a brilliant way to spread your sermon across households not only in your vicinity but across the world. Worship was never meant to be restricted to a geographical vicinity, and by streaming live church services, you can capture thousands of international worshippers. The relevance of live streaming services for churches is vast. Here are some reasons you should consider broadcasting your sermons.

Increase Access:

By streaming live church services, you can penetrate households that may want to seek a path of worship but may not have the time, energy or wherewithal to make it to church religiously. By breaking geographical barriers, you can spread your message far and wide. You can also look at linking your live broadcasts with social media pages on relevant platforms. Facebook and Twitter, for example, are ideal forums to inform your followers about the dates and timings of events and special sermons, as well as specific updates at church.  

Keep Your Community Connected:

When people spread across the globe, they seldom forget their roots and where they came from. By adopting the cutting-edge live streaming technology, you can help pull your community closer and keep your cultural and religious fabric intact.  

Generate Income:

Generating funds to power the functioning of a church can be an exhausting affair. With so many overheads to foot, it would appear that the only source of income for a place of worship is donations. Not true. Church live streaming can prove fruitful in income generation. By selling portions of your stream, you can achieve significant earnings. Plus, you can add an additional avenue of income by onboarding sponsors whose logos you can display during a live sermon.

Focus Less About Physical Capacity:

Church live streaming makes your audience limitless and eliminates the problem of a limited seating capacity. Even if your seats fill out, you’ve got a virtual audience that can connect anytime, anywhere. Time, place and distance become immaterial when you live stream church service.


It’s likely that you’re sceptical about church live streaming because you feel that the personal touch is lost. On the contrary, live streaming is an ideal way for you to connect with your virtual audience, ask for thoughts and messages and connect with individual users who may be situated thousands of kilometers away.

Infrastructure Required For Church Live Streaming:

Before you live stream church service, you should have your elementary infrastructure in place. Here’s what you’ll need:

A Camera:

Make sure you invest in a superior quality professional camera to capture your church services. The kind of camera you choose can go a long way in retaining the attention of your audience. Scan Amazon for its most popular variants and zero in on one that suits you best. Alternatively, if you would rather go for a more professionally covered stream, reach out to a production company. Such companies expertly cover events by capturing footage from various angles through multiple cameras. Unless your service is extremely small, it’s worth considering outsourcing the videography. By filming various elements of the service concurrently, your stream can be stitched better.

A Personal Computer or Hardware Encoder:

A computer or encoder can help convert your sermon into an appropriate format for live streaming. Link your camera to the computer or encoder and you’re good to go. Remember, at this stage, you could integrate your sponsors into your feed, by seamlessly integrating their logos onto your stream. You could also add subtitles, captions and an array of other elements to your broadcast.

A Sturdy Internet Bandwidth:

Pick an Internet connection that is robust. This will prove to be an essential link between you and the world, streaming your service effectively to your online video platform.

An Online Video Platform:

Your internet connection carries your stream to an online video platform, which will then transmit this data to a worldwide web of networks. It’s important to pick an online video platform that is powerful and effective. StreamNow has found acceptance among many institutes of worship and is an ideal solution for churches big or small. The platform allows you to integrate a live stream onto your website, plug it into your social media pages and even embed it into emails. Remember that with a live stream, there are aspects that can go wrong before or during a sermon. Consider going for a video platform that offers around-the-clock technical service. StreamNow is crafted especially for church live streaming and offers all of these elements and more.

Manpower Required for Church Live Streaming:

A typical live stream of a church service needs three kinds of manning. First, each camera needs to be controlled by an operator. Second, an engineer needs to be available to control the live stream and sew the various cuts together. Third, you may need labor to help you erect and disassemble equipment. Of course, if you decide to hire a media company, these elements will be absorbed in your bill, in which case you needn’t worry about investing time and energy in building a streaming team.

Costs of Live Streaming Services for Churches:

At this point, you may be disillusioned that live streaming involves astronomical costs. It doesn’t. Even if you consider infrastructure, manpower and an assortment of other costs, live streaming can still prove economical. Broadcast costs have fallen tremendously over the past ten years, owing to more reasonably priced equipment. Amazingly, even the coveted equipment for 4K streaming is attainable. A moderate church service, for example, can be streamed at about $4,000. A larger scale event could stretch to about $20,000. These are ballpark figures and the pricing depends greatly on the nature of the service, the number of cameras employed, the size of the church and the elected broadcast resolution.

Expected Revenue from Live Streaming for Churches:

Live streaming can generate enough funds for you to cover the costs of a production team. If you plan your monetization well, you may even have funds left over to devote to other aspects of your church. By employing a platform like StreamNow, you can generate revenue in three ways: advertising, pay-per-view (PPV) and subscriptions. A live streaming model pivots on selling access to the stream through tickets, much like a physical venue. With StreamNow, you can avail a paywall to leverage PPV and subscriptions.

How to Stream Church Service:

With the dawn of live streaming, church services are lending hope and faith to more and more people. Now, your messages of resilience and resolution can reach the people that need it most. Spread the love through technology, sermon after sermon, time after time.