Live streaming for churches is transforming the way congregations practice their faith. More churches are looking to live stream their services to reach their congregations around the world. With live streaming, the worship community can come together to hear the same message regardless of where they are. Some platforms like YouTube make it easier for churches to stream their Sunday morning service. However, the stream quality of the broadcast might not be as expected. That is where the relevance of Church service software comes in.

Best Practices For Streaming Church Services

Whatever method you use to be successful in broadcasting your church live streaming services, it is important to consider certain technical recommendations to make sure you offer the best streaming experience to your audience.

Test Before Going Live


Always do a test live stream before actually going live to ensure all your equipment, both video and audio are operational. This tip is not just for first-time streamers; it is for everyone who plans to stream. Performing a test run before every service is the key to provide a quality viewing experience to all.

Limit the Access and Usage of a Computer Used for Streaming


If you use a specific computer to stream, it is recommended to limit the usage of it. Some churches that have a limited budget will use computer resources for multiple projects. Limiting the access and usage of the computer or laptop used for streaming will ensure that the software and settings commonly uses are not accidentally changed. This is one common problem that happens with most churches and results in their streaming equipment not working at the time of broadcast.

Include an Online Audience as a Part of Your Service

Most successful churches make it a practice to look at the streaming camera and acknowledge their online audience. This also includes addressing your online audience and greeting them at the beginning of the service. Promoting your live streaming services during the announcements in between the service will help in educating your church members to tune in online when they cannot attend the church.

Focus On Close Up Shots of the Church


Source: Sharefaith

Getting close-up shots of participants, especially for special events like Easter, Christmas, weddings, first communions, etc. can remarkably improve the viewership of your church live streaming services.

Use Social Media to Promote

Promote your live streaming service on social media both before and after the broadcast, as it helps in bringing in more visitors to your site. You can also add trailers and highlights for special events.   

Offer Better Production Quality


Source: Epiphan

Having better production quality is one way to make your live stream better than others. To achieve the same, choose the right camera to stream your church services. Good cameras and microphones are some essentials you must consider investing in for delivering a better streaming experience. Additionally, make sure to capture video at the highest quality possible all the time and later render it down to desirable formats.

Live Streaming Church Services With An Online Platform

Live streaming your church service from your own official video platform is the best-recommended way to broadcast as it gives you the full control over the stream. Streaming with an online video platform offers plenty of advantages, and that is why you must consider building one. Here are some of the advantages.

You Can Publish Sermon Videos

Having your own video platform will help you to publish sermon and testimony videos along with live broadcasting. This means you can create a video library on your church website. Considering the fact that believers look up a church’s website before visiting live stream, it is a great idea to have some video content on your website.

Streaming Integrations

Online platform for church integrates seamlessly with church streaming software, which allows your church to stream sermons and other events. Your audience can play pre-recorded videos, but its live streaming capacity also means that you can share live sermons and events while they happen.

Next Event Countdown Timer

Church’s online platform allows you to include a countdown timer until your next broadcast. The countdown timer functionality helps the audience to know when to join the next event.

Social Sharing

A church with an active social media presence shows that it can keep its ministry at the forefront of people’s minds. With the click of a button, social media accounts make it easy for your church to stay active on different social channels like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.

Strengthens Community

An online platform for your church facilitates communication and connection. This allows you to connect with your members and for them to connect easily with fellow members. Both the church website and social media helps connecting communities who are serious about building a community and strengthening roots in the community. With an effective live streaming strategy, you can build a powerful online presence to spread your message, influence, and reach out to your congregation and connect with other believers.

Improves Accessibility

Over 81% of the population has at least one social media profile. So if you want to reach out to your audience wherever they are, you have to meet them online. As more people seek convenient ways to build their spirituality, they are searching for connections to follow over the Internet. Consequently, there is a growing opportunity to reach out to your new members with a live streaming platform. Live video, prayer group, or bible studies can be streamed on your websites and social platforms using church streaming software.

Watch From Any Device

Half of the online video content is now consumed on mobile. Church members who are unable to sit down and watch the live broadcast can watch on their mobile devices. Church live streaming allows you to stream your church services to tablets and mobiles.


One of the common myths of live streaming is its costs. People consider live-streaming a costly affair. Live streaming can actually be affordable with affordable church streaming software. It is more cost-effective than buying a broadcast time on TV. Most churches broadcast live on TV, but now everyone is shifting to online solutions due to its affordability. Live streaming is quite affordable considering the convenience and reachability to a broad audience.


Churches can embrace technology to use it to spread their ministry. By implementing church live streaming services, you are no longer bound by geographical limitations to grow your community. Why not try live broadcasting to help your church enter the digital era? Moreover, it helps you to reach a younger audience. To approach young audiences, you must communicate in a language they understand. For today’s youth, it is technology and the Internet. It is time for churches to embrace change for good. Not through messages, but through the way the message is delivered.