Things to Consider When Selecting a Live Streaming Platform

Things to Consider When Selecting a Live Streaming Platform

A live streaming platform can bind a well-crafted communication toolkit together, lending essential threads to a promotional quiver. It’s crucial that you take your time picking a live streaming technology that fits your needs; each offering in the market comes with a unique combination of facets and it is important that you align your objectives to the features offered by your framework. Selecting a superior technology can be a complex, long-drawn process if you don’t have the right resources at your fingertips. This guide gives you a much-needed insight into the world of live streaming technologies. Here, we highlight factors you should consider while making your decision.

Factor 1. The Right Fit:

A live video streaming platform can vastly augment your communication strategy, lending innovation and value to your engagement approach. Live streaming is a versatile tool that can fit just about any business or scenario. The advent of turnkey frameworks like StreamNow has only catalyzed the adoption of live streaming as a mainstream communication technique. Here’s how live streaming is included across segments.

Corporate Organisations

For a corporate organization, a live streaming software can serve a variety of needs, whether for training, virtual meetings, shareholder gatherings, product launches or even press releases. Live streams are especially relevant if a company’s geographical presence is fragmented, in which case a broadcast can be accessed equally from across regions.

Government Organisations

Increasingly, government organizations and public departments are embracing live streaming in a bid to promote clear, transparent communication with stakeholders.

Educational Institutions

Universities, schools, and other educational institutions leverage live streaming platforms to facilitate live tours, exclusive talks, special lectures and other elements of interest.


Entertainers often shoulder tremendous costs in order to deliver a grand performance. There’s the venue, the lights, the seats, the stalls; oh, the list never ends. A live stream, on the other hand, requires zero capital. It doesn’t even require a stage. Entertainers and performers can use live broadcasts to showcase new shows or performances. This is a great way to offer fans a sneak peek of what is to come.


Webinars are useful tools for communicating important information with stakeholders.  

Sports Events

Whether it’s a neighborhood sports event or a professional sports league, a live stream can connect fans to live matches without having to navigate logistics.

Places of Worship

Virtual worship is a wonderful thing, especially when you can’t be present for a service or sermon. Places of worship around the world have become faithful proponents of live streams.

Every segment has a unique need when it comes to live streaming; while places of worship may want to address a specific geographic diaspora, a business organization may want a rock-solid enterprise stream that supports users from all over the globe. Technologies like StreamNow can be customised to fit perfectly into a user’s portfolio.

Factor 2. The Content Delivery Network:

A content delivery network, or CDN, is an international network of servers that work together to supply video data evenly across the world. What this means is, if you’re watching a stream broadcast from Shanghai, sitting in New York, your device will source the stream from your nearest server. Conversely, your friend sitting in London will source the same stream locally. A CDN can augment speeds, reduce lags and maximise load sharing. CDNs are categorized under two umbrellas: Tier 1 and Tier 2. Tier 1 CDNs, as the name suggests, are superior in both performance and quality, because they are able to span the corners of the internet routing maze through peering. As a result, their reach is vaster.

Factor 3. Convenience:

Live streaming is a complicated, deeply technical process composed of multiple pre-programmed layers. Thus, it is imperative that you find a live streaming platform with a user-friendly interface, a handy administration panel, and brilliant customisation features. After all, the last thing you want to be doing in setting up your live streaming software is staring at a screen full of complicated coding. A well-designed live streaming platform will preserve its technology in its bottom-most layers, topping it with a seamless interface for marketers and entrepreneurs. If you’re wary about how well you’ll be able to adapt to a new technology, there’s no harm in opting for a free trial period. Established live streaming platforms come with a 30-day trial window.

Factor 4. Fluidity and Integration:

If you have a product that is available across devices, it is important that you stitch your live stream into each of these platforms. Enter, the Application Programming Interface, or API. An API is a protocol that binds a service with several auxiliary technology pieces. A broadcaster API essentially means that you can build your live stream into a mobile, desktop, tablet or workflow.

Factor 5. Customer Service

Live streaming could become the backbone of your communication strategy and it is important that you are 100% in control of it at all times. In light of this, a service provider that offers customer service around the clock is gold, because you are insured against any untimely timeouts and downtimes. Not only this, the compatibility of technologies in your stack may prove to be a problem if you’re not careful and it is always a good idea to have support set up on speed dial. Also, pay close attention to the forms of customer service that a live streaming provider offers. Often, email interactions can be long-wound and slow, whereas a live stream could warrant intervention within seconds.

Make sure to put time and thought into selecting a live stream for your business. Pinlearn is a great solution that can be fluidly tailored to the needs of your organization. With the right framework, you’ll never have to compromise.

The Advantages & Disadvantages of HTTP Live Streaming

The Advantages & Disadvantages of HTTP Live Streaming

HTTP live streaming, also known as HLS, has become a golden thread that binds thousands of technology-centred companies across the world. HLS is a protocol underpinned by adaptive bitrate technology and is the most used live streaming framework in the world. Amazingly, HLS supports an array of live streaming frameworks, so whether you’re big or small, tall or wide, chances are, HLS will fit right into your technology stack. If you’re on your way to building your stack, we suggest picking a turnkey framework. StreamNow, a live streaming technology developed by Streamhash, is a cost-effective, superlative framework that can fit into your core technology and also plug into an HLS streaming server.

Before we delve into the merits and demerits of HTTP live streaming, let’s understand how the technology came into being, what it offers and how it works.

An Introduction to HTTP Live Streaming

HTTP live streaming is a technology that rides the HTML5 communication protocol, which is regarded as the gold standard for web content. HTML5 is compatible with a vast array of online video formats and protocols.

So, what exactly is a streaming protocol? Simple answer: it’s a tool that determines how your video travels to a user. A protocol is responsible for breaking a video down into bite-sized pieces and then shooting it across cyberspace. These segments arrive at a live streaming server and then travel further to various users. The advent of HTTP live streaming was spurred on by the obsolescence of Flash Video. Its features include:

  • H.264 for video compression
  • AAC or MP3 for audio compression
  • MPEG-TS for stream transmission

The HTTP Live Streaming Process


HLS live streaming is a plain-sailing process. It works like this:

  1. An MP4 video stream is segmented into 10-second video bits
  2. Streams are labelled by the HTTP server using M2U8 playlists
  3. Each playlist corresponds to a specific video segment
  4. Each video segment is indexed by the respective playlist

Merits of HTTP Live Streaming

HTTP live streaming has a range of benefits. It’s user-friendly, device-agnostic and can be plugged in quickly. But there’s more.

Merit 1. Device Fluidity

HTTP live streaming is a versatile technology because it allows you to target users behind just about any kind of device; tablet, mobile, laptop, set-top box, you name it. The only reasonable alternative to HTTP live streaming in the market today is MPEG-DASH, but this technology isn’t as fluid. It isn’t compatible with iOS and Safari and thus, HTTP live streaming is the more viable option. HLS is a wonderful partner to a live streaming framework like StreamNow since the latter is also equally device-agnostic.

Merit 2. Adaptive Bitrate Technology

Adaptive bitrate technology can work as a great blessing for broadcasters. This protocol tailors the speed of a video stream individually for every user, based on their availability of bandwidth. An example may make this clearer. Let’s say you’re watching a video stream while riding the subway on your way to work. Perhaps your station arrives and you turn your stream off midway. You access it only much later, this time on your laptop. Now, because you’re connected to a wired internet connection, your speed is far better. Adaptive bitrate delivery customises the quality of your stream based on your internet connection and device, ensuring an optimal user experience every time.

Merit 3. Affordability

Cost isn’t always proportional to quality. HTTP live streaming is a case in point. The protocol works in tandem with virtually every hardware device out there through HTML5. Thus, you can broadcast without worrying about users being strapped by inadequate technology. HTTP live streaming works well with an array of standard browsers.

Merit 4. Reliability

HTTP live streaming offers one of the most secure browsing experiences possible, saving your device from potential cyber threats.

Demerits of HTTP Live Streaming

While we’d love to tell you that HTTP live streaming is perfectly seamless, there are a few demerits that it presents. Have a look.

Demerit 1. Latency

In the context of live streaming, latency refers to the lag between when a video is captured and when it is delivered to viewers. The time in between is consumed by a process that involves:

  • Live capture by a camera
  • Processing by an encoder
  • Transmission via the internet
  • Distribution to edge servers
  • Decoding by user’s device

Latency aside, there may be other problems that slow down a live stream. An obsolete device or a low internet connection perhaps. Latency can augment the quality of a live stream at a user’s end significantly. Unfortunately, while HTTP live streaming can dazzle in terms of quality, keeping latency in check isn’t exactly its forté. HTTP live streaming is limited by its key frame interval, buffer requirements and packet size, pushing your stream back by up to a minute. In most live streams such a delay may not hold much relevance. However, it could be a hindrance to viewers of sports streams or other fast-paced activities where even a few seconds’ delay could be impactful. While there isn’t anything out there to minimise latency just yet, the good news is that there are a host of tools being worked on to reduce latency on HTTP live streams.

HTTP live streaming ought to be an integral layer in your technology stack. With StreamNow and HLS, you’ve got a winning partnership that will power you to live streaming success.